+88-01750377939 karmojibin91@gmail.com


RMG Workers Issues

In conjunction with educating and building awareness among the workers and sensitize the owners KN also involve in policy advocacy with the policy makers of Bangladesh government and conducting campaign to establish the legal rights of workers particularly the women workers at workplace as well as in community. From the year 2003 KN actively involve with the advocacy and campaigns to amend the prevailing labour laws and enact a complete Labour Law. After a continuous pressure the government passed the complete labour law in 2006. The organization reviewed the law and worked hard to popularize the law among the workers. Besides, KN put recommendations to the government to amend the loopholes of the law of 2006 and it was amended in 2013 (now named as Labour Law 2013). Besides, KN led other campaigns like the minimum wages and maternity benefit for the women workers of RMG.

Farmers and Agricultural Workers’ Issues

In the Labour law of 2006 there were provisions only for the formal sector workers. Thus, from 2005 KN started campaign for a separate labour law for the agriculture labors. On the other hand there was no recognition of agricultural workers as `worker’ in the law of 2006. KN drafted a set of recommendations in favor of the workers and did a rigorous Policy Advocacy with the policy makers to recognize the agriculture workers as `labour’ in labour law 2006 by amending the act. At last the Labour Law 2006 was amended in 2013. In this amendment “agricultural Worker” was included in the “Definition” as “labour” in section two (2) of the law. Besides, KN demanded the right to unionize the unorganized informal sector agri-workers. At last the government enacted the Labour Rules in 2015 and the right to form trader union [Section 167 (4)] was given for the farm agricultural workers. KN campaign for getting work during workless time for the agriculture worker. The slogan was ”shara bochhor kaj chai” (give work over the year) and the governement started the 100-days employment scheme (now it is 80-days).

To do the Policy advocacy and campaign KN formed a strong Platform named ”Krishi Shromic Adhikar Mancha” (Agri Worker’s Rights Platform) in National level where the prominent personalities, Ministers and MPs are in the comittee. Besides, KN formed 10 (ten) district level ”Krishisrmic Ain Aday Andolan Committee” in 10 districts comprising agri worker and civil society organizations which are acting as pressure group in favour of Law for agriculture workers.

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