+88-01750377939 karmojibin91@gmail.com

Policy Advocacy and Campaign

In conjunction with educating and building awareness among the workers and sensitize the owners KN also involve in policy advocacy with the policy makers of Bangladesh government and conducting campaign to establish the legal rights of workers particularly the women workers at workplace as well as in community. From the year 2003 KN actively involve with the advocacy and campaigns to amend the prevailing labour laws and enact a complete Labour Law. After a continuous pressure the government passed the complete labour law in 2006. The organization reviewed the law and worked hard to popularize the law among the workers. Besides, KN put recommendations to the government to amend the loopholes of the law of 2006 and it was amended in 2013 (now named as Labour Law 2013). Besides, KN led other campaigns like the minimum wages and maternity benefit for the women workers of RMG.

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